Our philosophy
“Life is no obedience exercise it’s a way of living together.”
Turid Rugaas
What we teach is “a way of life for life”.
“Canine Conversation” is a non-confrontational philosophy that is based on dogs’ natural way of living. And rather than going against their natural instincts, we work with them to help us build and consolidate our relationship with our 4 legged friends…
By understanding that almost all problems arise from a misunderstanding we are able to change and improve our relationship by:
- Recognising the world through our dogs’ eyes.
- Rejecting all thoughts of dominance and force and replacing them with love, trust and mutual respect.
- Observing, reading and responding to our dogs.
Rather than just treating the symptom we look at the global picture and working together with you and your dog. We show you how we can :
- understand and communicate with our dogs using their own language.
- show our dogs that we are a good “parent”, worthy of trust and able to look after them at all times.
- develop our observational skills therefore become more familiar and aware of our dogs and how to respond to them
- offer our dogs a well balanced life (exercise/mental stimulation/sleep).
This enables us to become less verbal and more relaxed thereby reducing the stress levels in our dogs allowing them to become happy and relaxed dogs. Should you wish to know more please contact us.